by welikehike
Ohikilolo is classified as one of the most extreme and difficult trails in Oahu. The hike is now hindered or aided with a metal fence that runs along the entirety of the ridge trail. There are no signs or ribbons marking the trailhead. Anyone wanting to do this would have to scramble up the steep hill and eventually arrive at the fence at the top of ridge. Once you reach the fence, it will be your guide or your frustration throughout the trail. It is said to be a closed hike, despite the absence of any warning signs, anyone thinking of tackling this trail would have to do it at their own risk.
Along the trail, you will come across some skeletal remains of unfortunate goats who probably got their heads trapped in the fence. You will see numerous wild goats of various sizes down in the valley or on the side of the mountain. You can see them in herds, in pairs, or single ones snuggled inside shallow caves. There are wild birds flying in the air preying for their afternoon meal. The terrain is mostly made up of crumbly rocks, tall grass, and thorny weeds. It is not wise to do this at the peak of the summer season for there is hardly any canopy protection from the scorching heat of the west side sun.
This trail can get your heart pumping fast from the beginning. There are two prominent hills that need to be conquered to get to the uppermost part of the ridge. These hills can appear to be very intimidating when you're facing the front of it, but they're absolutely climbable. As you reach near the top of the second hill, more of the valley's beauty will come into view along with the danger of the narrow and steep trail. Although it is potentially dangerous, the fence will give a sense of security and something to hang on to.